Welcome to Our Orchid Website! - 473Orchids.com

Hi there!  This is Michael Straley the owner/grower for 473Orchids.

We pride ourselves on GROWING our orchids here in Grenada, providing them with daily high-quality care, and providing our customers and friends with useful, real information on successfully growing these lovely plants.  We would be thrilled to have you as a customer.

We primarily grow Dendrobium and Cattleya Orchids and have a selection of Vanda and Adenium (Desert Roses) coming along.  We also have some new additions of Phalaenopsis and Cymbidium. 

We grow selected potted foliage plants and sprays of orchid flowers for the flower arrangers.

     New Images                            Some of the Plants We Have for Sale

You may have heard some of the folk tales people believe and tell about what you must do to successfully grow orchids - we will give it to you straight and help you to be a better gardener!

For directions to our gardens. Please click to see what we have available for sale.