These Cattleya Seedlings were received and planted in November 2024. They will be available for sale in February 2025 - in 4" pots and later on in the year in 6" pots.
The pricing when available will be dependent on their size and the rooting vigor of the plant

You can contact Michael at 473 536-8638 if you need one before that.
Pot Hey SongRlc. Amazing Thailand Red Star'Rlc. Chia Lin New City'Rlc. Linkin LoveRlc. Miss Thailand Amanda'Rlc. Miss Thailand Chutima'Rlc. Orange Diamond Throat of Gold'Rlc. Phet ThanatornRlc. Shinaphat Dimond White Swan'Rlc. Shinaphat On Fire No. 1Rlc. Siam Orange No 3 2Rlc. Siam Skyline Golden Crown'Rlc. Thaksina Candy No. 2'Rlc. Thaksina CandyRlc. Thaksina GoldRth. Nell Hammer Payom'